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Middle East or the Middle East, southwest Asia, the historical and cultural proximity to the geographical region of the country. Extends from the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Peninsula to Pakistan covers. European centralist approach is based on the concept of the Middle East and the British 19th century. started to use the concept. This should have been accepted in England and central European countries in the east, the Far East, Near East, the Middle East such as the concepts have been determined accordingly.

According to this definition, the Middle East countries, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya , Sudan, Morocco and Turkey.

Middle East, the western states, sometimes referred to as the Near East. However, the Near East, Middle East and the Balkans but also covers

This naming change, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire began. The Balkans under the Ottoman rule of the Ottoman Empire and the cultural motif of a host of different reasons, the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean coast, “Near East”, the area between Mesopotamia and India, including Mesopotamia, “Middle East” was known as.

The emergence of free states in the Balkans “others” and to eliminate the concept of common-use of the concept led to the Near East. Kullanılmamaya near the start of the eastern concept of the concept of the Middle East, India began to be used for the region between

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