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map of oklahoma

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Clovis and Folsom in the region of 15 thousand years ago, Indians lived on the evidence uncovered. MS. 500-1300 between the pottery, weaving, sculpture, and metal goods production in the region living in the golden age of discovery expeditions organized by region, along with Francisco Vasquez de Coronado 1541’de entered a period of decline. Spanish for many years under the management of the region fell to the French in 1800 after their stay. Connected to the U.S. within the framework of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The natives were a decision taken in 1828 the U.S. Congress. American Civil War, to sign the treaty at the beginning of a series on the Five Civilized Kabile’nin 1865’ten southern provinces after the federal government began to intervene more than the region. By 1880 the area known as Indian Territory were located in more than 60 local tribesmen. Settlement of native land is a part of the decision of the congress was opened in 1889 by whites. Indigenous participation in 1907 created the territory of Oklahoma Oklahoma State Toprakları’nın the remaining part of the 46th U.S. became the province.

For a public building in the capital of the province in April 1995 as a bomb attack in Oklahoma City düzenlendi.168 person’s death and injury resulting in over 800 events took place on the territory of the United States after September 11, 2001 Attacks claimed to be the second largest terrorist act in the later this been has leaving deep suspicions with evidence such as the September 11 event, said experts have been closed.

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