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kazakhstan map

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kazakhstan mapkazakhstan mapkazakhstan mapkazakhstan mapkazakhstan mapkazakhstan mapKazakhstan (Kazakh: Қазақстан, Qazaqstan qɑzɑqstɑn, / / Russian: Казахстан, Kazakhstan / kəzɐxstan /), officially the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Eastern Europe, an independent state. Kazakhstan (Azerbaijan, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey and Turkmenistan) is one of the seven independent Turkish states and TURKSOY is a member of the Turkish Council. With 2.7273 million km2 (area of ​​Western Europe to) the ninth largest country in the world. Turkish states in terms of area and the largest Muslim countries, the richest in natural resources. Important states of Kazakhstan, Turkish history, the Saka, the Hun, Kipchak, Karahan, the epicenter of the states, such as the golden army, Kipchak, Oghuz, Karluk, as the cradle of the Turkish tribes.



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