The People’s Republic of China (CHC; Chinese: 中华人民共和国 (help · information), Hanyu Pinyin: Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo), a Far Eastern country in Asia bulunan. The People’s Republic of China, the most crowded population of the world’s population, according to sayımlarına country. Mogolistan the north, east NORTH Russia and North Korea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea, east, south-east of the South China Sea, south Vietnam, Laos, Birmanya, India, Bhutan and Nepal, south-west Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan is surrounded by . Pekindir Capital. China, People’s Republic of China have often use the word. Currently, 24 countries and Taiwan by the tanınmamaktadır. China, CHCnden approximately 5000 years ago and which stretches back to a ‘writing history’ there. At the same time, approximately 6000 years ago in conjunction with the drawings on the ideographic reached the ruins. In today’s civilization that make up the core pieces of paper, gunpowder, the compass and typography, such as the ancient Chinese origin Meet medeniyetine is based on very little. The People’s Republic of China, in recent years, which made atılımlarla or policy, has become one of the world’s most important economic guclerinden. Chinese Folk Cumhuriyetinin influence in the region and around the world, more economic and military areas in the hissettirmektedir itself. Envisaged to be the richest in the world economy, Chinese Folk Cumhuriyetinin 2020lerde. The world’s fourth biggest country in the People’s Republic of China, the world’s most crowded country with its population of approximately 1.5 billion. Approximately one sixth of the world’s population lives in China, the People’s Cumhuriyetide.
- 14 years ago
Asia Maps
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