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Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Bosnia and Herzegovina Flag History

The Bosnia and Herzegovina flag was officially adopted in February, 1998. The country received its independence on Apr. 5, 1992. It was formerly one of six federal units constituting Yugoslavia. Originally the Bosnian flag was to make use of the United Nations flag’s blue color, but this was changed to a darker blue to correspond with the flag of the European Union.

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Flag

United Nations established a new flag February 4, 1998 that could not be symbolically linked to a single ethnic, religious, or political group.
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Flag of Bosnia and HerzegovinaFlag of Bosnia and HerzegovinaFlag of Bosnia and HerzegovinaFlag of Bosnia and Herzegovinabafed1.gifFlag of Bosnia and HerzegovinaFlag of Bosnia and HerzegovinaFlag of Bosnia and HerzegovinaFlag of Bosnia and HerzegovinaFlag of Bosnia and Herzegovinayu_ba46.gif2000px Flag_of_SR_Bosnia_and_Herzegovinasvg.png

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