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australia world map

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australia world mapaustralia world map

British Overseas Colonies continents for the first time with a colony of New South Wales, 26 January 1788 by Captain Arthur Phillip at Port Jackson started with the establishment of a settlement. This date was later declared Australia’s national day (Australia Day). Today, known as Tasmania, Van Diemen’s Land’a settlement began in 1803. Here keşfenden 1642, explorer Abel Tasman, the island, who sent him on that journey, and the governor general of Dutch colonies in South India in honor of Anthony van Diemen’in Anthoonij Diemenslandt He called van. Van Diemen’s Land in 1825 became a separate colony. United Kingdom, 1829 tutmaktaydı under the western part of Australia. Separate colonies were created in various parts of New South Wales and the new, South Australia (1836), Victoria (1851) and Queensland (1859). Northern Territory (NT), was founded in 1863 as part of the Province of South Australia. South Australia, was established as a free state, and never as in other colonies has not been sentenced and remand prisoners executed in a penal colony. Offenders brought to the island between 1840 and 1864, continued at intervals.

Australian native population, Europeans began to settle in the continent is estimated to be 350,000 rows. [2] Since then, the last 150 years has decreased rapidly. This is mainly because of epidemic diseases with the combination of forced migration and cultural fragmentation.

Indigenous children taken from their families devşirilmesi, some historians and stolen by the natives of Australia is called the creation of a lost generation. At the same time that historians and Australian aborigines, native komünitelerinin distributed, fragmented population is reduced, and argue that it should be considered as a genocide. [3] The act of re-used for the purpose of creating a peaceful and trouble-free society is defined as a violation of human rights today. Such interpretations of Aboriginal history, some of them coming against the political and ideological reasons, and with them being exaggerated or fabricated states. [4] The debate in Australia, History Wars (in Turkish: History Wars) is known as. After the 1967 referendum, the federal government and executive power had the right to make laws with respect to Aborigines. Halkındaki local ownership of the island, Australian High Court’s Mabo v Queensland (No. 2) until the cause is not accepted. After that case, the concept of ownership has changed in Australia and the island during the invasion of Europeans are not belong to anyone.

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