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Many legal connections between Australia and the United Kingdom, Australia, in 1942, 1931, Westminster’s Law (English: Statute of Westminster 1931) formally ended with acceptance. In 1942, the United Kingdom, Asia, Australia and Japan on the threat of occupation suffered by the shock defeat of Australia sees as a new ally and protector has led to rapprochement with the United States. Since 1951, Australia auspices of the ANZUS Treaty, with formal military ally of the United States. II. After World War II, Australia encouraged mass immigration from Europe. In the 1970s, not only with the abolition of European migration, supported by immigrants from Asia and other parts of the world. As a result, Australia’s demography, culture and the image has changed radically.

The final constitutional ties between Australia and the United Kingdom, 1986 in Australia ended with Danae. Domination over the states of Australia and the United Kingdom Special Assembly of the United Kingdom ended the judicial başvuralar. [6] However, in 1999, Australian voters rejected a 55% majority to pass the Republican administration. 1972 from the Whitlam Government, Australia is a society increasingly composed of the Pacific-Asian concept of belonging. Today the country is still the Queen as symbolic II. Depending on Elizabeth, a constitutional monarchy governed under the parliamentary system.

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