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Ancient Egypt (Khemet, Egypt), the largest medeniyetlerdendir Ancient Ages. Northeast Africa, around half of the spread of an ancient civilization of the Nile reaches the sea. Regional spread of civilization, is located within the territory of today’s Egypt. BC Around 3050 years before the establishment, in southern Egypt and northern Egypt ayrılmaktaydı two. Civilization, 3150 BC [1] around the first Pharaoh of Egypt under the management of the Lower and Upper Egypt united politically. This political unity, took place during the next three thousand years.

BC, the oldest information in the history of Upper Egypt until 6000’li shows the years, but his term is still secret or date of birth of the founder of the Tiu’nun. When it comes down to Egypt, the most famous king of the Ro-known founder of the Scorpion King in the movie inspired by the Scorpion of Egypt (Egyptian scorpion), Zekhen’dir. After the king of Upper Egypt under their rule that combines Zekhen’den Narmer, Delta has continued to spread to wetlands.

Narmer’in northern Egypt; Wazner’in after the sovereignty of southern Egypt, Hor-Aha (or known as Menes) united first firavunuydu Egyptian Empire.

On ancient Egypt, meanwhile, called the Middle Kingdom experienced a series of relatively volatile periods are periods of stable kingdom. Ancient Egypt, the most advanced level reached during the New Kingdom. Then, you entered a severe recession period. Egypt, the last period was right after another defeat in the face of the external forces and in 31 BC, the early Roman Empire was invaded by the rule of the pharaohs has been terminated, has been turned into a province of Rome.

The success of ancient Egyptian civilization, in part comes from the Nile Valley of skill shown by adapting to the conditions. Flood prediction and efficient controlled irrigation of the valley, led to the introduction of social and cultural development more than feeding the product. Political authority in the use of surplus product, the Nile valley and the desert around the grounds of its operating mines, the original of a writing system in the early stages to develop, implement complex projects in construction and agriculture, improve trade with the outside world and keep away from foreign invaders, and for Egypt to accept the rule of a military configuration has provided the necessary resources to provide. Mobilizing and organizing the activities planned in this direction, a bureaucracy of elite yazmanlardan, religious leaders, under the supervision of a Pharaoh topluluğuydu managers. These elements, as directed towards the same goals and the people settled in the region, brought together more organized within the framework of a religious belief system.

Many of ancient Egypt’s success, various developments occurring within this civilization, based on applications, operation of quarries, the monumental pyramids and temples, obelisks that allows construction of the metering and building techniques, knowledge of practical and effective medicine, irrigation and agricultural techniques, the first known the ship’s construction [citation], Egyptian faience and glass technology, such as a new type styles, and the oldest known peace treaty. The result in Egypt, left a lasting legacy. His art and architecture, common to the farthest corners of the world were taken and moved to the old works. The monumental ruins, travelers and writers throughout the centuries has been a source of inspiration. Early Modern Dönem’deki excavations, works against the newly awakened interest in Egyptian civilization, caused by going in this direction, such as scientific research in the world and a greater appreciation of cultural heritage has left for Egypt occurred.

Ancient Egypt, led by the Roman Empire by Caesar Augustus, BC Were seized in 30. Anno Domini 7. century has been dominated by the Arabs here, in 1517 the borders of the Ottoman Empire participated. In Egypt in 1882, has been a colony of Britain.
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