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map of vermont

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Vermont, one of the U.S. states. The northeastern part of the country, located in New England. The south, Massachusetts, New Hampshire to the east, west and north of New York is surrounded by Quebec’le.
American Indians lived in the region of Vermont, formerly living on hunting and fishing. French explorer Samuel de Champlain, Lake Champlain in 1609 found the state’s northwestern border. Established the first permanent European settlement the French 1666 Isle La Motte’ta. Dutch and British in the 18th century, British control of all settlements established in 1763, entered the region. New York and New Hampshire, despite the claims of the rights established an independent republic Vermontlular 1777. 1791 Vermont 14 joined the United States as its postcode. Then showed a rapid development, but after the 1830s, many people emigrated to other parts of the country divided into states. American Civil War (1861-1865), Pennsylvania, Vermont is the only province north of the crash scene.

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